Class Presentation 2080 :)
Today is a presentation day, a big day for me. It was a group presentation. At first, there was a total of 5 members in our presentation group. But unfortunately, a friend was absent today because of his busy schedule. So, we were only four members for the presentation.
Our presentation topic was “Planning Process and its Challenges.” The topic is short and light, so we made our slide short and sweet. You can find the slide here:
Undoubtedly, we gave a good presentation. All of the team members were confident and bold. Thank you! Team members for your good cooperation, coordination, and teamwork. And also thank you Dilip sir for this opportunity, good guidance, and support. We are learning every day.
In the beginning days, I had been afraid of doing presentations but now it has become one of my favourite works to do because we can learn very much from it. like;
- For The Presentation, We Do Much Practice.
- We Gain The Courage To Speak At The Stage.
- We do plenty of research for presentation slide preparation.
- It develops our presentation skills and attitude.
- We cooperate with group members and learn to perform in teamwork.
- We get immediate feedback and comments from teachers and students that can help to evaluate ourselves.
- And last, presentation give us an opportunity to boost our presentation and communication skills.